Monday, November 11, 2013

Mod 11

The Dharmapoda (PBS podcast)

The above PBS podcast discusses and explores "The Dharmapada."
- A book of the Buddhists
- "All that we are is a result of our thoughts."
- Negativity breeds evil
- Pure and positive thoughts bring about good and hatred will cease
- Discusses the evils of vanity, temptation, gluttony, temperance
- "The evil man mourns and suffers in this life and the next."
- "The virtuous man is happy in this life and the next."
- "Earnestness is the path to enlightenment."
- "Thoughtlessness is the path to death."

The PBS podcast could be used to bring the parallel study of culture into the ESL classroom to greater increase an immersion-like sense of learning and fostering more well-rounded students.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Twitter (Mod 6)

The microblogging tool known as "Twitter" may be used in the following ways in regards to Teaching English as s Second Language:

1. Sharing/accessing teacher resources
2. Communicating with colleagues and students
3. Staying current on teaching perspectives
4. Teacher-student activities such as:
  - vocabulary building
  - word games
  - school trip tracking
  - grammar review
5. Review of current events
6. Book clubs
7. Inspirational quotes
8. Writing poetry
9. Exercises in being concise
10. Communicating w/ students in foreign countries

The Teacher's Guide To Twitter: Edudemic

Educational Technology & Mobile Learning